Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Sandwich and the Stink-Man

I have been commanded to start a blog.  No, it wasn't by God, or even those inner voices.  My wife has been harassing me for months to start a blog, and she finally just said I had to.  So I caved.  And now, I'll share with you some of my stories of pilotdom.  I'll start with last week.

I have flown a whopping ten hours this month so I don't have a lot to talk about at work.  I had two reserve days on duty, where I'm on call.  I didn't expect to get called to go fly, so when I flew from SFO to Chicago, I went straight to the El train to go to my brother's house, where I stay.

Now, I'll preface what happened next by saying I'm a big believer in karma.  You do good and it'll come back to you.  And vice versa.  On the train, the signs and announcements say no eating or drinking.  I almost never eat on the train, but this time I was just starving, and I had to eat the sandwich I had in my bag.  So I take it out and unwrap it, and also open up my yogurt.  Yum!

Instant Karma.  No sooner than I had taken my first bite out of this delicious turkey and cheese sandwich (they're always yummier when someone else makes them) than a large bearded, dirty  man came on board.  I'm not talking about any old bearded, dirty man.  I'm talkin' seriously messed up hair.  I'm talkin' dir-tay.  And I'm talkin' stink-y.  He sat right behind me and the stink was overwhelming.  I couldn't breathe in, couldn't eat, couldn't even concentrate.  This was karma kicking me in the rear.  Every time I breathed in, I gagged.  I tried to take a bite of the sandwich, and only caught a waft of the stink-man behind me.  I even had unusually devastating gas that day, and decided to let one loose.  That actually helped-- temporarily.  And my fart was nasty, too.  No, not nasty-- Nas-tay.  But it was an improvement.  It was all I could do to keep from throwing up.  I'm serious, I almost blew chunks all over the train.  So I packed up and got off the train on the next stop, and went to a different car.  Ahh, my sandwich.  Unimpeded by stink-man.  Wonderfully, delicious, stink-less, turkey & cheese sandwich.

So yeah, I may have some fun stories about work.  Maybe not as exciting as landing in a river, but still fun.  But instead, for my first blog, you get the sandwich and the stink-man.  Keep an eye out and I'll tell you all the secrets of the airline pilot fraternity.


  1. hi! i read your wife's blog & was happy to log on today to see that she had recruited a new blogger! and, i'm sure you do have some funny stories involving your job. one thing i'd be interested in hearing about is the kind of training you guys have to have. (esp. in the wake of the us airways pilot & the "miracle on the hudson"). anyway, good to have a new blogger!

  2. hahaha That is how it usually happens, right? I read your wife's blog, and she invited us to come over and take a look around. I can't wait to read more funny stories from you!

  3. Love it!
    I`m glad your wife commanded you to start a blog :)
    I tried the same with mine, his lasted a couple of months ;)
